
Showing posts from April, 2011

Sale aplikasi , games premium dan custom themes

Hi sekarang saya menyediakan lisensi aplikasi blackberry. semua aplikasi dan games premium bisa anda pesan aplikasinya. harga bervariasi antara 10 ribu sampai dgn 100 ribu. Termasuk aplikasi, games dan themes yang ada di anda cukup memberikan linknya kepada saya, jangan lupa sebutkan blckberry yg anda gunakan juga OS nya. nanti saya akan memberikan link OTA nya dan mengaktifasi aplikasi tersebut dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam. PIn anda dijamin aman, tidak akan di publikasikan untuk keperluan apapun. Juga melayani desain themes untuk blackberry anda. silahkan add pin dan ym saya untuk pemesanan PIN : 211BE378 ym :

Black in Red Free Themes

OS 5 only 9 icon at home screen with hidden dock

Jeprt v1.0 : BlackBerry Screen Capture with Effect

Jeprt v1.0 : BlackBerry Screen Capture with Effect Feature: Screen Capture with Image Effects: Black & White, Sepia, and Retro Image Effects on Media (the functions available on BlackBerry Menu) Screen Capture & Image Effects with Vibration source

Special themes called Uber50 themes made by 50 Cent

"Uber50 has the coolest icons and unique features possible for twitter THERE'S NOTHING BETTER." ~50 Cent 50 Cent remixes the UberSocial you love with the illest theme yet: Uber50. When you download the Uber50 theme you get: - Custom icons and colors straight from the mind of 50 Cent - Superfast access to the G-unit Twitterlist list and media portal to make sure you're the first of your friends to get the latest G-Unit news and videos. - Exclusive artwork as background within UberSocial Info : 1. Itu themes bukan themes BB, tapi themes Ubersocial 2. Cara ganti themes Uber social, a. klik lambang BB b. Option c. Klik beberapa kali sampai ketemu themes, dan pilih themes uber50 d. Save e. Tampilan ubersocial berubah. source

ÃœberSocial 1.191 with Uber50 Themes

Welcome! You are moments away from experiencing a truly advanced Twitter client developed especially for BlackBerry devices. Version 1.191 includes the following changes: - Support for installable themes with the first one being Uber50 - Ablity to mute tweets based on keyword - Added 'save' button to each options screen so users know they can leave at any time and save what has changed - Fixed bug where blocking a user could cause an exception

RIM Requiring All BlackBerry App World Version 1.1 Users To Upgrade To Version 2.1

Citizens of the BlackBerry® App World™ storefront! If you’re still using BlackBerry App World client version 1.1, this applies to you (everyone using BlackBerry App World version 2.0 and higher: check out this blog of puppies). Starting tonight, existing BlackBerry App World 1.1 users will be required to upgrade to the latest version of BlackBerry App World. This upgrade will affect only a small percentage of current BlackBerry App World users. As of April 8, when you attempt to access the BlackBerry App World client on your BlackBerry smartphone, you will receive the following message: “You must upgrade your client in order to continue”. You can upgrade to BlackBerry App World 2.1 using the following methods: * Clicking “Download Now” when prompted to upgrade from the BlackBerry App World client * Visiting the Download BlackBerry App World page to update via desktop or mobile browser Upgraded users will find a variety of performance improvements and feature enhancements in...

Twitter For BlackBerry update to v1.1.0.21

Twitter For BlackBerry update to v1.1.0.21 Here’s a list of key features for the new version : Tweet Location : Geotagging functionality on Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones is designed to allow BlackBerry smartphone users to add their location to their Tweets. Users can switch location on/off before each tweet. Push @Mentions Users can receive immediate notifications, using BlackBerry Push technology, when they are mentioned by another Twitter user. Users can control whether they want to be notified when anyone mentions them or just when their followers mention them. Chat-Style Messages Direct Messages has been renamed to Messages to align with the Twitter experience and the interface has been updated to a chat-style layout. #Topic Autocomplete The #Topic Autocomplete feature is designed to pop up a list of keywords based on previous hashtagged words in Tweets, Retweets, any hashtagged words selected or searched for in Popular Topics, and in applications like Fa...

Memory Booster v.1.0 (AFBB)

Memory Booster will recover the lost/used up memory from the device making your applications run faster and smoother OS 5 only

Sms Backup - Backup SMS to Email

Save Your BlackBerry Text Messages to Email Keep a copy of all your incoming and outgoing text messages as email for free Works with any email service: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, corporate account. Just enter below an email address that you have configured on your Backberry tand SMSBackups will do the rest.

Bbm easy smiley pack v1.2.9

Buat yg seneng bbm an terus pake symbol symbol, ada easy smile pack yg lengkap

ChatOnFacebook v.2.0.107

Chat on Facebook for BlackBerry® allows you to chat with all your Facebook friends using your BlackBerry® smartphone Chat on Facebook has been modeled after the native Facebook interface, giving you a familiar look and feel for a great experience chatting with your friends. Chat on Facebook is the only native BlackBerry® app for chatting on Facebook, we are dedicated to making the best possible BlackBerry® apps and we will continue to improve Facebook chat app and make free upgrades to our users forever.

Home screen Notes

Home Screen Notes requires that you go into the settings (within this app) and choose a desired wall paper before creating a note or reminder and is not compatible with wallpaper rotation apps or BerryWeather wallpaper option "Locked" or "Copy Protected" wallpaper sample images may prevent app from posting notes. If this is the case, please choose another image. - Create a note and have it clear automatically at a certain date or time - Set up a note to have it start and end at a later time or date - Start a note and finish it later - Edit a note that has already been posted - Font size automatically adjusts to amount of text entered ensuring best possible viewing size - Customize the note and font colors - Choose from many different font selections - Ability to turn transparency on and off for the posted note - Ability to toggle between 12 hour and 24 hour clock - Create a new note or clear a posted note from almost anywhere through the menu shortcut ...

UberSocial update to ver 1.185

Buat yg suka twitter ada update terbaru dari uber social, versi 1.185 Perbaikan dari versi sebelumnya adalah  : Perbaikan dgn trending topic yg tidak loading  Setup yg lebih simple Penambahan Re tweet count untuk setiap re tweet di time line Fix bug saat Direct Message dan @replies tertampil dua kali Menghilangkan kemampuan untuk mengirim DM lebih dari 140 karakter, picture , video dan lokasi ( rada aneh , bener ga pengertiannya : Removed ability to send DMs with >140 chars, pictures, videos, or location ) Penambahan fasilitas Log out Perbaikan bug saat klik "list" dari user profile OS 5  OS 4.7  ( hari gini masih pake os 4 ? ) 

Themes You will never Walk alone

Buat Yang suka sama Liverpool , Themes Keren buatan saya  hehehe You will never Walk alone OS 5 only 6 icon at home screen

SmrtMonitor – BlackBerry Usage v0.51

Ever want to know how you spend your days on your BlackBerry? Now you can with SmrtMonitor. Keep track of what you use on the BlackBerry with per weekday break down, number of sessions, average time spent in each application. Track which application you use the most Get weekday break down of how often you use each application SmrtMonitor gives you the percentage breakdown of applications used on your BlackBerry Visually Stunning. No setup, no fuss, just works! need activation code ? ask on comment box source

Contacts Cleaner 2.6.0

Contacts Cleaner is an easy way to fix a large address book bloated with many duplicate contacts. With a single click Contacts Cleaner quickly and efficiently eliminates duplicate contacts. Contacts Cleaner is intended to quickly and significantly reduce the clutter in your address book. As such, it is completely automated and does not pause for guidance on how to merge contacts. Contacts Cleaner will processes your entire address book in one pass. The cleaning process first identifies duplicate contacts. Duplicate contacts have the same name (first and/or last name for persons, and company name for organizations). Then, within each pair of duplicates, one contact is selected as the duplicate and the other contact is retained in the address book. The data contained in the duplicate contact is copied over to the retained contact. Finally, the duplicate contact is then removed from the address book. Merges all contacts with the same name into one contact Completely automatic opera...

Lock your BBM

Aplikasi buat yang suka BBM nya dibaca baca orang ga bertanggung jawab, sekarang lock you BBM..... source

Aplikasi Trans Jakarta For Blackberry

Buat Anda yang sering pake Bis transjakarta, ada aplikasi yg bisa dipake buat mempermudah anda , fiturnya antara lain : * Peta rute TransJakarta * Rute per koridor * Webcam halte * View on BB Maps * View on Google Maps * Automatic connection (BIS, wifi or APN) * include koridor 9 & 10

SecretMail v2.0

Aplikasi buat mengencrypt email agar tidak bisa dibaca oleh pihak yg tidak berkepentingan. SecretMail is surely an modern add-on for the bb which enables want you to encrypt you e-mails.

Blackberry Desktop Manager Ver 6.1 Leaked

Desktop manager Update menjadi ver 6.1 , akan tetapi masih Leaked. Leaked dalam arti masih tahap percobaan, blm diluncurkan secara resmi, oleh karena itu kemungkinan masih banyak bug yg akan muncul. saya sendiri blm coba , mungkin nanti malam saya coba download dan bisa kasih review secepatnya. Buat yg mau donwload silakan mencobanya . Good Luck Local Link