
Showing posts from May, 2011

Twitter for Blackberry Official

new key features: * Redesigned Nav Bar * New Compose Tweet Button * Single Search Screen * External Notifications * New Black/Chrome Color Scheme

Fancy Smileys v1.2 ( Full Version )

Now Smile with Style with Fancy Smiley app! Through this app you can send colored smiles and country flag in BlackBerry® Messenger and unicode characters in EMAIL, SMS, IMs and status messages!

Free & Official BlackBerry Feedback Tool Application

If you’re looking for a way to let RIM know what you think about your BlackBerry experience, you can now do that with the official BlackBerry Feedback Tool. This app has been in testing through the BlackBerry Beta Zone for some time but is now available for download through the BlackBerry App World. Here’s the official description: Express yourself with the BlackBerry Feedback Tool – a feedback application especially for your BlackBerry! Once you download the BlackBerry Feedback Tool, it is available in your device menu at all times and can be used to send feedback on BlackBerry features, functions and applications at any time! We want to hear from you! NOTE: Enterprise users will need to have your BES Administrator enable the use of BlackBerry Feedback Tool for your device. Download at app world source

BlackBerry App World Upgrade to ver

BlackBerry App World RIM is slowly rolling out an update to the BlackBerry App World application but for some reason, not too many are getting the update notification through App World. The latest version available is but didn’t come with a changelog so if you spot any changes be sure to mention them in the comments below. For more info and to get the update go to source

Tips dalam upgrade OS . Terutama soal BACKUP dan RESTORE

Dapet artikel bagus dari member BBbluezone yang post dikaskus mengenai back up dan restore setelah upgrade OS Seringkah agan mengalami : 1. Group nda terecover semua? 2. Ada grup yang hilang? 3. Membernya nda lengkap? 4. atau intinya bermasalah pada GROUP BBM setelah di restore?

Al Jazeera News Network Launches Free, Live News Streaming Application For BlackBerry Smartphones

Popular news network Al Jazeera has launched a new and free application for BlackBerry smartphones that allows users to view live broadcast streams, latest news stories, opinion pieces, features, spotlights, videos and picture galleries. This app also allows users to send in their own media for crowd-sourced coverage. Features include: All the latest news, features, spotlight, opinion and blogs from the Al Jazeera English website Programmes videos and information for the latest shows News video clips 24 hour free access to the live broadcast Breaking news banner In Pictures gallery to browse the latest stories by images Send your media to Al Jazeera Search articles and content from the website Preload articles Viewable in portrait and landscape modes More info : download application from App world: source

InfoBox 1.1 All in One Message Notifications


Seesmic for Twitter

Seesmic membawa Anda kemampuan untuk mengelola account Twitter pada perangkat BlackBerry ® mobile Anda dan update puluhan jaringan sosial (seperti Facebook LinkedIn, Tumblr, LinkedIn dan banyak lagi!) melalui Mengakses beberapa account Twitter, Twitter dan daftar pencarian yang disimpan dengan mudah. Melampirkan foto, url dipersingkat, geo-lokasi saat menulis tweet. Pratinjau gambar pada timeline Anda dan mendapatkan diberitahu pada balasan dan pesan langsung Full Salesforce Chatter Support You use Salesforce Chatter at work on Seesmic Desktop and Seesmic Web, so why can’t you use it with Seesmic for Blackberry? Now you can. Add your account, see your timeline, comment on posts, join groups, view your contacts and, of course, post to your Chatter account. Enhanced Twitter Support View Twitter users’ full profiles Add Twitter users to your lists New Twitter search: view trending topics and search for Twitter users New Composer The composer is revamped and attachments...

BBM an di PC

BBM an di PC ? yup anda ga salah baca . sebuah program berhasil di ciptakan agar kita bisa bbm an di PC, mau tau caranya ? Download aplikasi nya di Lalu buka aplikasinya, create new account dgn  email dan password anda dan id dgn jumlah karakter minimal 8 Klik Connect Lalu Log in ke Klik di Connect on the web interface dan setelah itu anda  siap untuk menggunakan   BlackBerry Messenger dari PC anda  Harap di perhatikan aplikasi ini masih beta, jadi jgn lupa untuk back up semua data di bb anda sebelum mencoba aplikasi ini source :

OS6 tidak akan di

berikut adalah tweet resmi yg di berikan oleh @blackberryhelp ( tweet resmi dan account verified blackberry ) jelas sudah kalau Gemini tidak akan dipersenjatai oleh OS6

BlackBerry Messenger Officially Updated To Version

RIM today pushed out an official update for their BlackBerry Messenger application. If you decided not to jump on the BBM 6.0 beta in the BlackBerry Beta Zone, version is now available for download. Here are the highlights for the changes in this version: Support for Hindi and Vietnamese Simplified sending of pictures and voice notes More user-friendly wording and organization in menus Support for a simpler, one line view of contact list Support for both deleting an unsent chat message (Shift-Del) and escaping out of a chat while retaining an unsent chat message (Escape button) Offline link by : repoantihackelink source